Event & Business Listings
TravelWisconsin.com is the resource for travel in Wisconsin. It's where we inspire visitors to plan their trips to Wisconsin to create shared moments of joy with friends and family. TravelWisconsin.com receives millions of visits annually – so having your business, event or attraction listed is a great way to take advantage of a free opportunity to reach travelers. You can obtain a listing on TravelWisconsin.com by submitting your information to our database.
Ways database information is used:
- It populates listings on TravelWisconsin.com.
- Our marketing team accesses it for campaign and publication ideas.
- Our public relations team uses it in publicity materials and interviews.
- Our customer service team refers to it when answering traveler questions.
- It’s used in promotions.
At-a-Glance Database Guidelines
- Events and businesses must be tourism-related, draw travelers from outside the local community and generate revenue.
- Events, businesses and attractions listed need to be open to the public.
- Listings must provide opportunities that a leisure traveler may be interested in.
- You must commit to maintaining your information to ensure we provide accurate information to the public.
For more information on our business and event listing guidelines, please see Listings & Events Guidelines for TravelWisconsin.com.
Submit a New Business, Attraction or Event Listing
First, confirm you meet the database guidelines. If you meet the criteria, download and fill out the appropriate form from the list below and e-mail it to your local Chamber of Commerce, Convention & Visitor Bureau or our office at TourismFeedback@travelwisconsin.com.
- Dining Listing Form
- Local Foods Listing Form
- Outdoors Listing Form
- Places to Stay Listing Form
- Attraction Listing Form
If you are looking to submit an event, please fill out the Event Listing Form.
Existing Database Partners
Review database guidelines to ensure what you are submitting can be promoted on TravelWisconsin.com. If the new listing falls within guidelines, log into the database and add a new place or event. Enter the required information and submit for approval.
Please allow seven business days for the listing to be reviewed, approved and published on the site.
Update a Listing
Business Owners
If your business is already listed and you would like to suggest updates or add images but do not have database access, contact the local tourism organization that submitted your listing. You may also click suggest a change to fill out a form or contact our support team. This information and feedback form are on the listing page below the description.
Existing Database Partners
If suggested changes have been submitted to you, or if you have changes of your own, log into the database, search for the specific listing, open the record to edit, then input changes before and submit for approval.
Please allow seven business days for the changes to be reviewed, approved, and published on the site.
For Database Partners
If you have questions or need assistance, contact our Database Marketing Analyst.